Wednesday, April 08, 2009

W & X

I am aWay this week and this is a scheduled post because I didn't want to miss the fun of this challenge!

Do you see the WWWW engraving? this is a copper bracelet from Chile, only the dust particles were not invited to the photo session. I don't know how to tell them to stay away from my life , they keep coming back... Now for the X:

And for dessert: two chocolate Xs, just because I know you will be kind enough to wait for my comments until I get back!! Happy Easter!

For more W's and X's visit Melli.


  1. Beautiful bracelet, but I love the scissors best!

  2. Those scissors making the "X" is fantastic. Great eye for art too.

    [as always, scroll below my Wordful Wednesday to view my letters]

  3. You did your "W" and "X" very well :-)

  4. Hurry back - I miss your fantastical photographs!

  5. That dessert made me hungry, but you know, I'm trying to loose some weight here!! What a beautiful plate!
    And I love the scissors too!

  6. I like the W in the bracelet, but I especially like the X in the scissors. And a chocolate X is a winner any day!

  7. All 3 letters are beautiful - and artistically displayed! I love all of them! And I want that dessert!

  8. Wow ! all great findings !
    I thought you were sick ! I had completely forgotten about your holidays !
    I intended to write you a mail when I saw that you had published finally something !
    When you are back don't forget to look here Diane and I, we also had a great time together ! Hope you had nice holidays !

  9. Those chocolate Xs were eXtra yummy! love the w too.

  10. Your w's are especially lovely! Thanks for participating, even though you're "on the road."

  11. artsy and yummy. i love your letters

  12. You've made finding ABC's beautiful!
    Love the bracelet!
    The scissors was a clever find.
    And the dessert - beautiful!!
    Well done!
    Happy Easter to you as well.

  13. Whoa I must admire your detailed observation on the things around you! Wish I could be as observant :)

  14. Great pics for the challenge :) I especially like the one of the copper bangle, in fact I like the copper bangle!

  15. You are so clever with letters and to document with great pics too - thanks for sharing!

    Happy Easter to you and your family :-)

  16. Love the look of that dessert!
    Enjoy your time away. Be safe.

    Happy Easter,

  17. You come up with such great shots for these alphabet challenges. I hope you have a wonderful Easter Weekend!

  18. I really enjoy watching the esthetic of your pictures! A sens of beauty, i say! Have a nice Easter Monday, Mar!

  19. How fun! I love the "X" on the scissors on that sign.


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