Wednesday, March 04, 2009

M & N

Continuing with Melli's  Alphabet Challenge, in which we are asked to find hidden letters around us, it is now time for M, which I found in my archives as little wooden pieces decorating a small dam:

And for N:

I am using the same window I used last week for K... This is not just any window, I found it  in Pamplona, the Spanish city better known for the San Fermin Festival and the running of the bulls... , which is not the kind of festival I could ever enjoy. But they have this wonderful place called "Café Iruna" (Iruna is the Basque for "Pamplona"),  an old café from 1888 and reportedly Hemingway's favorite place in that city!!  I can understand why.  Because you might want to see some more of it, find below other  pictures of the place I visited in 2006 (click to enlarge at your own risk, since the quality is not the best!).


  1. there's also a M in the grid pattern of the fence reflected in the water. well it looks more like two upside down vs VV (<-turn that over). Or are you saving that for W later? ;)

  2. I would love this place too !
    Very nice finds of the letters, you have an interesting door there with the whole alphabet in it, lol !

  3. Well spotted letters, Mar! And what a beautiful cafe. I could see myself there!

  4. I see the Vs, Ws and Ms in the water, too! That's one heck of a photo, Mar!

  5. Oh....clever gal, finding numerous different letters in one area.

    Thanks for stopping by. This alphabet challenge is fun.

  6. Well done! And I do believe I see a "Z" waiting on that door for you too :-)

  7. Lovely Mar! Looks like everyone has found ALL the other letters in your window! (dontcha HATE it when that happens?!) LOL! I think finding M in those little bits of wood was brilliant! I'm not sure I would have caught that!

  8. Great finds! I also see a Z in the door next to the N (what a useful door!) :-)

  9. Wow, what a beautiful place. I forgive you for using the same picture twice because you included some of the history of this place!
    You've got X and Y hidden in that first picture too, did you know that?

  10. Love the M's Mar! They look like M's too without having to mark them.
    I admit I also was thinking of the other letters in the window. You could turn that N and have Z - one will remember by the time we get there. :)
    It does look like a lovely place.

  11. cute M and that window is a treasure trove of letters.

  12. I'm very impressed by your solutions to the challenges.

    btw. Maybe we see you in the Alpes?


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