Friday, October 11, 2013

plant ~ a close up

plant   a close up

Souvenirs from a trip to Hamburg, Germany. Does anybody know what plant it is? because I still don't...
Update: it seems to be a Lupinus / Lupine, thanks to Mary-Austria!


  1. Pretty flower and I love the colour! This is the first time I am seeing it.
    Happy weekend Mar and everyone!

  2. absolutely gorgeous. it looks familiar in this angle, but i have to see the whole shot/bloom to be really sure.

  3. Wow. No idea what it is but it's a gorgeous!

  4. What every it is, it's very beautiful. I could guess but I'm afraid I'd be wrong. Happy Weekend.

  5. Sorry, I cannot help with the identification, but is stunning!

  6. Sorry, can't help with the ID either -- but definitely can attest to finding it really pretty. :)

  7. I only see it's beauty and that's what matters I am a complete (idi..) ignorant when it comes to flower names, besides tulips and roses and a few other classical once, I can live without flower names. Maybe it's a Capus Ditti ?

  8. Wonderful shot! Although I can´t see the whole plant I´m neary sure that it is a Lupine!

  9. This is a exotic flower, but I do not know its name.
    Thank you for your participation.

  10. Gorgeous shot! Glad I found your blog, again!

  11. Don't have a clue---But it is BEAUTIFUL! I'm just getting a flower post ready to post, myself...!
    Thanks for the Congrats, my dear!

  12. It does seem to be from the Lupine family. Beautiful souvenir:)


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