Monday, May 10, 2010

Q is for quince

Photographed in Chile and re-posted here, my archives are seeing the light again... This one wasn't ripe yet.  I  never particularly cared for  quince (membrillo)  nor for quince jelly (dulce de membrillo), but quince reminds me of my childhood.
quince [kwins]
1. either of two small trees, Cydonia oblonga or C. sinensis, of the rose family, bearing hard, fragrant, yellowish fruit used chiefly for making jelly or preserves.
2. the fruit of such a tree.

Pear and quince output in 2005
Quince (and pear) output
Image via Wikipedia

Will be commenting late as I am on the road, please leave your direct link, thank you!


  1. I've never heard of it or tasted it. Hmmm I need to give this a try. Great photo my friend :)

  2. That's a fruit I don't like at all, although it looks very nice on your picture ! I once had quince jelly, was awful !

  3. Wonderful photo.
    I must admit this a new fruit for me.
    Can't remember seeing it on our vacations in Chile.
    We might have been served the Jelly for breakfast.
    Who knows???

  4. Great shot for the day, Mar! I'm familiar with Quince, but have never eaten any. Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  5. Great photo! I didn't know this kind of fruit! It looks klike an apple or a peach.

  6. Looks like a fuzzy pear to me!

  7. I never cared for the taste (or the work) of the preserveds, but the tree and fruits are delightful to look at.

  8. I've never heard or even see this fruit before, learn something new today.

  9. This reminds me I should use some of that quince in my freezer!

  10. Having recently seen the blossoms on these trees, and remember eating these strange hard fruits raw as a child, I want a quince tree!

  11. I just saw this!
    Jeopardy! #5914, aired 2010-05-06 CROSSWORD CLUES "Q" $1200: Jelly fruit (6) quince
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  12. It looks good, but I've never tried it either!


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