Saturday, February 27, 2010

the kids are allright

Earthquake in Chile
In pictures

I am happy to report that family and relatives in Chile are shaken but safe. I am very saddened by the news , the suffering and the damages and I thank my blogging family for the kind comments and thoughtful e-mails, I am very moved and thankful, you guys rock!

Update: Thom, my friend, stay safe!! (Tsunami expected in Hawai'i in two hours...!)


  1. I'm so glad that they are all okay my friend. That's such a relief. Now all we have to do is get past this Tsunami heading our way in 2 hours :)

  2. Mar, I am happy to see this post and the comment from Thom. Thank God that your family is safe. And I now pray for those less fortunate, and for the people who may be affected by a Tsunami.

  3. Oh dear Mar, have you had contact with your family and friends?

    I'm really anxious.
    I'm thinking about you and all Chilean people.
    Yes just right now it's more important even than The Winter Olympics.

  4. Thank you so much my friend. This means a great deal to me. :)

  5. You know, we have a strong passion to Chile, since very long.

    We have watched different News TV- Channels.

    When we saw the demloge of the Panamaricana - grrrr -
    then we realize how small and helpless we are as people.

  6. My sister in law was very shaken as well but definitely okay. It does not look good with some of the buildings. It is very scary but hopefully all will be okay! I have read predictions of more quake activity until June all along the West Coast..

  7. I completely forgot that you have family & friends in Chile. It has been heartbreaking watching the news. I am glad your family is all ok. I hope the aftershocks stop and there is no further damage in Chile. We sure lucked out here in Hawaii today.

  8. I only saw it on TV yesterday evening ! I am happy to read that your family has nothing. I looked on Reuter's this morning the number of death has doubled. Terrible. Fortunately it didn't hit Haiti too.

  9. Glad to hear your family is safe! {hugs}

  10. I was wondering how it was with your family yesterday when I was watching CNN. Happy to hear that yours is okay. It was a powerful earthquake. Scary.

  11. I am so glad to hear that your family is safe! I am so sad for everyone sho cannot say the same of their own family.

  12. Glad that your family is safe. I'm saddened by this disaster. It was so sad watching it on TV. Take care.


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