Tuesday, May 08, 2007

54321 meme

The Expat 54321 meme is herewith stolen from Mausi. It's an expat meme but it can actually be played by anyone who has moved to a different home.

I came to Spain as an expat almost thirteen years ago (originally for 3 to 5 years...) from Hamburg, Germany...

5) Name five things you love in your new country:

* the weather, oh yes, sunny Spain is sunny! some cities claim an average of 320 sunny days per year!
* I didn't have to learn a new language right away when we moved over here since Spanish is my mother tongue
* excellent food
* did I mention the weather?
* it's a fun place with many festivals and traditions

4) Name four things that you miss from your native country

* family and friends
* the Andes. There is a strong sense of protection when you are surrounded by mountains.
* the food (particular flavors) I grew up with
* the Chilean accent :)

3) Name three things that annoy you a bit (or much) in your new country:

* people speak very loudly and they all speak at the same time. It is sometimes very difficult to follow a conversation in a restaurant/coffee shop
* they have a natural ability to litter...
* there is not such a word as "punctuality" in their dictionaries.
* bonus: the late dining hours...still can't get used to going out to dinner at 10 pm. I was told the cook arrives at 8:30 pm so 9pm is the earliest you can have a warm meal... and then you are all by yourself because people don't arrive before 9:30pm...that's why I love luncheons instead!.

2) Name two things that surprise you (or surprised you in the beginning) in your new country:

* I could speak Castilian Spanish. But people in Catalonia have their own language and at the end I went back to school to learn Catalan.
* Names. For example female names like Salud (Health) or Camino (Road)...

1) Name one thing that you would miss terribly in your new country, if you had to leave it.
* this view of the Mediterranean Sea from my home:


  1. Wow. Just reading this post has a thousand questions going through my mind like why, how and when, to name a few. Perhaps reading previous posts will answer these questions. I want to go to Spain! (said in a whiny voice!)

  2. The scene from your house is beautiful!!! Doesn't it make you feel like you live a charmed life?

  3. Great meme, interesting answers and a lovely way to know you even better.

    I do understand you would miss that view in the last pic - breath taking!

  4. LOL! Nope... this is a meme that I can NOT do. Before settling where I'm at my average time spent in any home was about a year. Sometimes a little more - sometimes even less! I wouldn't know which place to choose as my "old" place! LOL! This was a perfect meme for YOU though! And if I had that view, you would have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me away from it! :)

  5. Oh yé you made me laugh with "speaking all at the same time !" I think I will never get used to that ! Can you imagine since my first love in 1964 till today with my eternal love I am still trying to teach them to listen at least to what I (bold) said or say. When I am in the Italian family and was younger I sometimes put an earplug in my ears, just to survive !

  6. oooh. I'd miss that view too!

  7. Mar, mr. kenju read your comment this morning, about how to et the accent over the letter (thanks!) and he wanted me to ask you if you speak Spanish with a Chilean accent and if you have trouble with the accents in Spain. I've got my answer!

  8. I can see why you would miss that view. it is gorgeous! Something about looking at the ocean is so relaxing.

    Great meme adn quite an insight into Spanish life.

  9. This is a such a wonderful MEME MAr...I loved your anseers...And I feel I learned a lot about not only YOU, but about Spain, as well....I had no idea that being 'on time' is not part of the culture....I think I would love to visit Spain, though....especially the part you live in...to see the Med every day....BEAUTIFUL!

  10. Oh I fotgot to say the link you put in your comment to me didn't work....(Boo Hoo)

  11. Wow that view is absolutely gorgeous... Spain is definitely a beautiful country

  12. Hola!
    Que lindo tu meme,papí tambien es expatriado y mami cumplira 3 años acá y extraña mucho las comidas de su pais,pero trata de no perder las costumbres y creo que hoy comieron "Porotos con rienda" Haha ese nombre es extraño pero "suena" bien.
    Linda vista desde tu ventana.
    PD:Mamá te agrego a mis links ;)
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    ´●๋: ●๋: Luna ●๋: ●๋:
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  13. Ok, now I have to book my trip to Spain!

  14. Great answers, Mar! It must have been a big plus to be able to speak the language, but I'm sure the culture took some getting used to.


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