Tuesday, May 26, 2009

happy 1st anniversary, Ruby Tuesday!

Celebrating one year posting a little red or lots of red on Tuesdays. Thanks, Mary, for hosting such a fun (and wonderfully ruby) meme. I actually didn't have a picture for today but it's a special date and my red bandana, a Xmas-tree candle and some red ribbon from the drawer quickly rescued me this morning.


  1. Lovely pictures on this blog. Congrats on the one year anniversary.

  2. Nice job for posting for a year on RT. I have enjoyed your posts. Any cake with the candle? Thanks for sharing today and over the past year.

  3. Yes you did it all red and nice for the one year celebration. The plastic you made was fun - I did something similar when I was at school.
    My plastic this week was a toy.

    /Maria Berg, Sweden - that had my dotter and husband swim in the ocean when you dropped by.

  4. Excelelnt Ruby Tuesday :)

  5. Perfect! You're a clever cookie for posting this pretty birthday tribute!

  6. Great combination to celebrating this special time for a very special meme!

  7. How sweet that you actually did a little something to come up with that gorgeous ruby photo!!! Mary, The Teach, will love your efforts to be sure.

  8. How nice. Happy birthday Ruby Tuesday.

  9. Wow - such creativity to combine the three things, great memory to remember where they were in the house, and great timing to get them on here today! Excellent!

  10. That is such a pretty little celebration right there! :)

  11. Hi again,

    well I happy that I made you laugh. The thing was to take a photo of something wrong at wrong place so I made that up.
    Take care, Maria Berg, Sweden

  12. That red candle & ribbon is perfect for the Ruby Tuesday meme-aversary!
    Thanks for your visit & comment @ It's A Blog Eat Blog World

  13. Great pic to celebrate the anniversary! Well done on rustling that up :)

  14. A lovely creation for the theme Mar.

  15. Very creative and spot on RT you have this week! Very well done!! :)

  16. That's a great choice for this annirversary.

  17. wow you put that together so beautifully
    you are the MaGyver of photography ;)

    it's a lovely anniversary photo!

  18. Hope you are doing well and enjoyed your weekend.
    Love your post. Perfect photo.

    Take good care.

  19. Love your post. Definitely makes me want to celebrate. ;-)


  20. Your creativity knows no bounds! You constantly amaze me.

  21. Mar, I'm sorry I'm so late responding to comments to our anniversary Ruby Tuesday! I am very grateful for your playing along and being a dear blogging friend! I love your photo and your design. It looks so professional! :)


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