Tuesday, March 10, 2009

she just can't be chained

This ruby chain was hanging from the ceiling at an old Chilean hacienda's stables, I saw young ladies using them  as a sitting help ( sue me , I have absolutely no idea about the equestrian world!)  in preparation for a horseback ride. In fact one of the young ladies went by right when I took this picture, leaving and unexpected but welcomed blurry effect in the background.

Ruby Tuesday is courtesy of Work of the Poet.


  1. The blurry effect gave this shot a very artistic look Mar!

  2. Oops! My post this week is on my photoblog: Carletta’s Captures

  3. As long as it is not there to hang yourself it's OK !
    The picture is beautiful !

  4. This is a wonderful photo...I can easily visualize it up on somebody's wall...

  5. Interesting. But I have seen this sort of thing for the ladies before. Don't know what they're called either.

  6. I could probably find out from my friend JC what the real official word is, but we all get the idea. Love the background blur against the sharp focus on the chain. Nice work!

  7. Oh you had your thoughts on Rubies that day, didn't ya!? That's a GREAT shot -- and yes, your unknown friend helped a LOT I would say! That blur really adds interest to the shot. Very nice!

  8. I'm guessing that sitting help means getting the rider up and in place on the saddle? I'm imagining the rider hanging onto the chain to help lift themselves.

    Great picture! love the blurry effect.

  9. interesting... i love the blurry effect.

  10. That's a very creative shot, Mar. The blurry background is perfect to attract the attention just on the Red chain. I'm not an equestrian specialist either, but I imagine how they can use it.
    I like your shot. Just the essential.

  11. I love this shot and the blurry effect of the young lady leaving really does add to it.

  12. wow but I think the blur made this an even more interesting photo. The chain itself is a great find. but, the blur really adds a sense of the unknown to it!!

    Great share...Happy RT:-)

  13. I was drawn to this shot! Love the red chain, so simple, yet keeps my eyes busy. :)

  14. Well, the way you've captured the chain, it looks like a poem - very good!

  15. I think that the blurry effect gives the photo a high tech sense. I love it! Best wishes :)

  16. very beautiful shot, the blur really did add a wonderful feel to the photo

  17. This is a great Ruby Tuesday, love the blur in the back ground...very Nice RT! Thank you for visiting my RT! :)

  18. I LOVE the blurry background, this is a great Ruby!

  19. Mar, excellent and very creative shot! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

  20. Fabulous shot! Mojo must be speaking of another JC... far as I know it's just called a chain that's used to help mount the horse...


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