Monday, April 07, 2008

weekend snapshot

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Our sunny weekend reminded us how much we are in need of rain!! the forecast announces a few drops throughout the week, nothing dramatic but it might at least help our gardens a bit. We are not allowed to use tap water to water plants or wash cars (only in a commercial car wash!), nor for swimming pools. Fines range from 30 euros /47 US$ for a small garden up to 3,000 euros/ 4,700 US$ ... Send the rain to Spain!


  1. Bring some rain too in the Philippines. Too hot in here also. But flowers are all in bloom. :)

  2. I'd send you the rain we're supposed to get tomorrow if I could.

  3. Are you kidding ? Rain !! My feet look like flippers with all the rain we have ! It's really badly distributed over the countries, !

  4. Michele sent me to see this lovely picture. We keep having the threat of rain but little actual precipitation. I Want Storms!

  5. I wish I could send you some of our rain from Scotland. We have hail, sleet and snow too....and its supposed to be spring?!

  6. Wow! Fine for wasting precious drinking water! Singapore should have such fine too!

  7. And it has started raining here well before monsoons. This March recorded the highest rainful a record in 122 years.
    So many fully ripe crops destroyed.:(

  8. You can have it! I have my fingers crossed for a sunny summer as all we seem to have had is rain for the past year or so!

    Your photo is lovely though :)

  9. Rain? Yesterday we had snow, last night we got hacking rain, this morning we got hail.

    Count your Mediterranean blessings, my dear Mar - it's sooo cold here....

    I love the picture. I came here from Naomi's blog and she posted wonderful pictures of her garden in bloom. I see a Spring theme..


  10. Want some of our snow to melt? I can send you a ton!

  11. It has rained here for a week and it is annoying but I try to remember how much we need that winter and how we are still in a draught stage. Poor Georgia is really having a tough time. Scary times when you have no water.

  12. i haven't seen the sun in days, I'll send you our rain, you send me your sun. :)

  13. Absolutely beautiful flower photo Mar!!! I wish it would rain here. LOL

    Thanks for the visit today.

  14. Oh My Dear...These are STIFF Fines, as they say...That is really terrible. So you cannot use a hose or Srprinkler System or anything?? Well, I Hope with all my Heart that RAIN COMES SOON, to Spain....and that the line from MY FAIR LADY is Not True...(i.e. 'The Rain In Spain Stays Mainly On The Plain....')

    That's a BEAUTIFUL Picture, my dear....Has there been a terrible drought in Spain? It is amazing if that is the case, since there was so much rain in the UK this year...!

  15. Rain!? We've been having snow again this weekend. Which, for southern England in April, is pretty unusual. Global warming? I'm not so sure!


  16. Gorgeous!
    Can't send u rain, we need it here too!

  17. Mar, we have been in extreme drought for a year now, and our bans are being lifted now, since we have had enough rain over the last few weeks. I hope you get your rains soon!

  18. Those are beautiful flowers. What are they called? I wish we have those penalties here because over here, inspite of the scarcity of water, people still do waste them.

  19. Oh!! need rain.... We are hoping it doesn't start too early here... The mangoes will get spoilt... it's really hot here though.... but we are allowed to water our plants with tap water...


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