Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday Thirteen [63]

o1. Since we grew up without Halloween, it is not a family tradition and I only have 3 decorations: a small ghost and 2 candle (tea light) holders.
02. I don't know when Halloween arrived in Spain but I saw small candy buckets at the store the other day, so the kids must be going trick-or-treating nowadays.
03. We are a grown-up neighborhood so I don't need to buy candy for kids
04. Plus I won't be home that night
05. No, I am not attending an actual Halloween party
06. Only the virtual one! right here
07. This is the only kind of horror I can handle!
07. This is one of the few movies I have watched more than once...!
08. I watched "The others" on a sunny afternoon at home
09. I think that's the last scary film I have watched in the past 5 years
10. That says it all!
11. Nevertheless, I am now craving cheesecake... Never heard of the pumpkin kind!

You Are

A Happy Pumpkin Face

You would make a good pumpkin cheesecake.

12. I like this one:.

Q: What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
A: A sand-witch.

13. Scary stories can be found here today.

about ::


  1. I feel soooo Un-Halloweeny (lol)..And thats okay. No kids come here anymore...So, I don't have to bother to get any candy...And that's just as well....

    Hope you have a lovely time, wherever you are going that night, my dear Mar....

    I may just drop by the Cyberspace Party, though, cause that sounds like fun!

  2. Halloween is a win-win. If the kids don't come, there's all that candy to deal with! Boo-hoo. If they do, then a bunch of kids are happy. I love that.

    I'm old and out of it because I'm not sure what movie that picture is from. I better get with it! (Somehow because I don't watch the scary stuff.)

  3. In Waterloo it's a little celebrated because of all the Britts and Americans and in shops there is a lot of decoration. But the Belgian himself doesn't do it and in schools neither. I did some decoration because I like it and from what I hav e seen here on the blogs. Tuesday two friends came over and I served them bisquits decorated with fat spiders and flies. You should have seen one, she jumped in the air, because she had grown up in the Congo and thought it was a real one !!

  4. When we lived in El Ferrol in 1972, the only children who trick-or-treated were los Americanos. And we only went to the American community's homes.
    Mis amigas thought it was weird to go to houses to ask for candy! My how times seem to have changed...

  5. I love halloween. It's so much fun!
    happy tt!

  6. I am looking forward to reading more scares in the CyberCruise.

  7. We don't celebrate Halloween at home. But of course we bring the kids to a certain village that opens for trick or treat participating children just to make them get the fill. Love your #12.

  8. We live down a long, dark, scary driveway (500 ft)so we don't get any kids over here, except Emily! I got her the kind of candy she likes! :~)

  9. Loved your Halloween 13. I'm just getting back in the grove. Now that Melli has an empty nest can Spain be far that away?

  10. I've never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Maybe I should rent it for Halloween.

    So they celebrate Halloween in Spain but not Chile?

  11. Psh! This pretty much explains me...
    I took the Pumpkin Face test and it said:

    You Are:
    An Angry Pumpkin Face.
    You would make a good smashed pumpkin.

    I really DO NOT LIKE Halloween! And it has nothing to do with religion... it has to do with sending children around the neighborhood begging for CANDY. I think if the practice of Trick-or-Treat was halted, I would probably be more open to the idea of Halloween parties and such.

  12. I love Halloween, it's actually my favorite holiday of holidays. (To say nothing of the terrific depression I get each year with it, but it's a good depression.)

    I took that survey, and I'm a deformed pumpkin. Darn!!!

    Yeah, the cyber-party sounds like it'd be fun to go to!!!

    Happy Thirteen!!

  13. "let's do the timewarp agaaaaaain..."

  14. I love Halloween! Scary movie marathons, candy, costumes, all of it! This year not sure if we'll have many trick or treater's, haven't seen many kids in our new neighborhood!

    Happy TT!

  15. I agree with you that Rocky Horror is about as scary as I can watch too...but it's too freaky for DD, so we'll stick with Hocus Pocus instead.

  16. Ah, great t13 indeed. We don't celebrate Halloween that much in Sweden either. It has grown though, so we'll see in the future. The youngsters seem to like it.

    Well, I guess real life is scary enough those days.... *giggles*

    Thanks for the linking :-)

  17. Ya, I have watch the "Others" also. If you mean the one with Nicole Kidman. That's a good movie.

    Thanks for dropping by and telling me the cute witch riddle!!!

    Happy evening to you.

  18. The Others is a great film!

  19. I'm hoping that The Rocky Horror Show is gonna play here. I heard it is great interactive fun. I haven't seen it yet. :-@

    p.s. I love the witch joke! hahaha

  20. Already up ? Since I am retired I get up with the chickens, before I wasn't productive before 11 am and now I have the best ideas early morning. Can't understand myself, for once I could sleep now until 11, lol !

  21. I grew up with Halloween celebrations as a kid, and it wasn't until this 'cruise' that I've become aware how little it's been celebrated in Europe. It's quite an eye-opener to not take things so much for granted over traditions.


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