Saturday, October 27, 2007

photo hunt: pink

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Although I normally only like pink as found in the garden (see bottom thumbnails *), I fell in love with this pink home in Italy. Please note that the details (window frames, birds) are painted on the building, Trompe l'oeil style, French for "trick of the eye"!

*Click to enlarge!


  1. I think the pink building looks lovely as do the flowers. Pink flowers are always lovely. sara from farmingfriends

  2. If only I have that kind of house! lol Great flower shots too!

    Mine is up here;
    Photo Hunter:Pink
    Happy Weekend!

  3. beautiful pink building... it is very rare to actually find one of those pink buildings in my place...

  4. Wow, I love all those shots but that house is so cool....

  5. That is a beautiful house. I love the detail. The flowers are quite beautiful too. Have a great weekend.

  6. that building is really, really beautiful. And I see we both went for the same flower!! :)

    Happy Weekend!

  7. I had NOT noticed that the details were just painted on the building until I saw you mentioned it. WOW! Awesome painting there. It really gives the building that special touch. I wish I were so creative.

  8. Oh, I love it! I have a lovely image in my mind now of someone up on a ladder, painting those birds, putting such care into the face his/her home would show the world.

  9. Absolutely love it!!!! Great photo.

    Happy Weekend.

  10. Oh good grief! Saturday photo hunt is going to move to THURSDAY soon! LOL! That is a LOVELY pink house! I have not yet decided on my "pink" - but something similar IS in the running!

  11. That's a great looking building. Looks much nicer than mine! I like the flower photos too. Happy weekend

  12. Love the birds. I thought they were a shadow at first.

  13. I love that house. I presume the balcony is real.

  14. Better late than never... (sorry to keep you waiting). That's an absolutely gorgeous photo. I read the post below and agree about the Tiramisu!
    I'll be back. Michele says hello!

  15. that is a beautiful color for a pink house. Those flower colors are stunning!! Have a great Saturday.

  16. The painting on the house is AMAZING!!! I'll have to bring hubby by for a visit when he gets home today. :)

    Thanks for visiting!

  17. Great idea painting the bits on , they work well too, just hope they don't have to paint it often.

  18. I shudder at a thought that I would have to come back to this house every day ;-)

    But I can see how it attracts a photographer, great shot! And the flowers are beautiful.

  19. lovely home. Are the birds painted on too?
    I have pink flowers but they are dirty from the ash.... ;(
    I need to hose everything down or do the rain dance!

  20. Love the painting on the wall! Great shot for pink!

  21. I love the pink building!! Have a great weekend!

  22. Not usually keen on pink buildings but this one is STUNNING!

  23. That house is beautiful and of course pink flowers are always refreshing. Enjoy your day.

  24. I do agree with you and it looks very Italian architecture too.

    the flower pics where breath taking - so well captured!

    Btw: I'm so agree with you about the Halloween tradition, so thanks for your comments and you'll see I'll support you on my post tomorrow :-)

    Wishing you a wonderful end to your week!

  25. Great pink shots! happy hunting...

  26. I agree - nature has the most beautiful colors - but the house is so wonderful - so glad you added it!
    Happy Weekend

  27. I need my shades... that house is PINK! Great shots!

  28. The building painted in pink looks romantic....Seldom people paint the building in pink in Malaysia.

    I have done mine:

    happy weekend~

  29. Lovely! Over here, we call pastel painted houses as "barbie house"...hahaha. But it's pretty!

    happy weekend! :)

  30. Oh anything-Italy is wonderful:)

  31. Oh that building is just AWESOME! I love how it's painted with the birds and the windows!!

  32. That is totally fabulous....the details painted cool! thanks for sharing. it.
    happy weekend!

  33. Amazing view! Thanks for sharing.

  34. What a lovely pink! I don't mind living in such a romantic house but my men wouldn't like it! hahaha......

  35. that is so beautiful! I absolutely love the windows in the first photo!

  36. LOVE IT!!!! I'm just going to have to convince my husband that pink is manly..I so want a pink house. I never would have noticed the details weren't real! That's so cool

  37. The flowers are certainly beautiful, but the Italian house is a great find!

    Happy Weekend!

  38. I love that pink building and the detail that was painted on it. The flowers are lovely also.

  39. Oh yes, there are a lot of pink houses in Italy, I had some difficulties to find pink things ! And then I remembered we had already pink as theme and just posted the old once, lol !

    Wir hatten auch Bahnstreik gestern ! Alle streiken plötzlich, in Deutschland auch. Ich weiss dass die Amerikaner rosa für Brustkrebs gewählt haben, ist ja auch gut, aber jetzt im Oktober an rosa zu denken (oder in) fällt mir schwer !

  40. A pink house! Very creative and beautiful.

  41. that's a neat "trick"! i thought the window frames were real! :)
    happy weekend

  42. Love the pink building! Happy weekend!

  43. Oh..this is a beautiful shade of pink. So calming to the eyes! Thanks for sharing!

  44. I love that house as well! Just like a barbie house! Oh you remind me of my barbie house picture!! why don't I remember it before.. oh well..

    I have something for you, besides my pink entry, please kindly check my friendship post.

    Trinity from Rooms of My Heart

  45. You have such good taste. The house is gorgeous. Such a lovely shade of pink too!

    Take care,

  46. This house is delightful.Here in Suffolk, UK many old cottage are pink. Happy Photohunting :o)

  47. I think it takes a particular type of building to allow pink to work. Lovely photograph.

  48. Beautiful pink pics. I'm not a huge fan of pink, but certain pink shades can be very pretty. Have a great weekend!

  49. Oh that's very clever, it looks like real moulding around the windows!

  50. That is stunning. I have heard of this treatment before. How realistic.

  51. I agree the house is beautiful in pink and the flowers are gorgeous!

  52. The pink house is very pretty, I like the color combo with the turquoise!

  53. That is a lovely pink building! I love the details that are painted on. Very cool. :)

    My pink photo.

  54. I love that pink building, and decorated so beautifully. Love your flowers, too, and the way you have them arranged.

  55. Maybe i could live in apink house if it were that one.

  56. I LOVE That pink Mar...It is so warm and rich...BEAUTIFUL! And you know I am crazy about Bouganvilla....

    I couldn't make the picture any bigger than what it was on you blog---I mean the House....I wanted to see those birds larger....WONDERFUL choices!

  57. Gosh Mar, that building is beautiful. It reminds me of all the coloured houses I saw on Burano, an island near Venice. Did you know this is featured over on this blog.

  58. Ohhhh... I´d love to live there...
    or just visit your garden, girlfriend. May I call you Mrs Greenthumb? ;)

  59. THAT is an awesome house and photo!!!! *whistles*

    I love when the do fake objects so very realistic. One must have to admire the artist that has done it! Very skilled. I'm envious.

  60. Just so fabulous. At first I thought the birds were shadows of real birds flying around the house. And the window frames are just so lovely.
    Thanks for visiting.

  61. waw... I wish I am the owner of this house. So sweet and lovely. This is definitely my ideal home sweet home. :)
    Great Pink!

  62. I don't usually like pink, but it does suit that house!

  63. Nice ! I didn't even notice the trompe l'oeil before I read the whole post !

  64. That is so awesome, all the house here are a horrible yellow/pebble colour. They arent as vibrant and sexy as this!

  65. How did I miss commenting on this, as it seems I did? Gorgeous building, I do love the style, but I especially love the bougainvillea (it is, isn't it?) - one of my favourites, I adore it, but it didn't fit with saying I didn't like garish colours. Obviously I do when they are in the right place:)


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