Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Q is for quo vadis?

                                                                       ABC Wednesday

Quo vadis? ( Latin phrase meaning "Where are you going")  My destination in a few weeks is Hamburg, Germany. What about you? Pictured here is the charming suburb Blankenese, photoghraphed by my husband many years ago from the Elbe River. 


  1. Hamburg - always wanted to go there while living in Berlin but never got to it. So I'm happy to see that it's such a nice place:)

  2. You could/should do this EVERY Q post, but it'd be different locales, of course!

  3. So lovely. Wish I was going there.
    We're not traveling very far this summer.
    We need a magic wand to take us away....

  4. That is a charming place and I like the shot. I hope you have a great trip. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  5. Lucky you! Have fun!!!!

    frankly my dear

  6. Love the colours!

    abcw team


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