Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dedicated to the curious minds

Curious minds asked  about the painting, which was the subject of yesterday's post. It was not a door, it was rather hidden outside the building , the artichochoke and the  ladybug were painted on a side wall of the restaurant shown below ( follow the blue arrow pointing at the artichoke).

The better view was to the other side, facing Lake Annecy.
And another detail of the restaurant, this time the painted item was a lamp.

Updated after the third comment to include Jientje's new ABC- in-  idioms  meme!
I wasn't ready to participate but it's a lady's right to change her mind, particularly when the matter is a fun and challenging meme, like this one. Read all about it here.  I'm giving it a try in the spur of the moment, using the pictures of the current post for this week's letters (A and B). 

At the drop of a hat

If you would do something at the drop of a hat, you'd do it immediately.

I would go back to this place at the drop of a hat!

Big picture
The big picture of something is the overall perspective or objective, not the fine detail.

You got the big picture with this post's first pic!


  1. Lovely view! sigh There is so much of the world I will likely never see!

  2. If it's a wall painting it makes it even more interesting ! a quite talented artist !

  3. A wonderful setting for a restaurant! For anything really. I could happily spend all day looking at that view.

  4. I would love to eat at that restaurant! But right now I am enjoying some coffee and catch-up - with you!

  5. Oh my, what a view to have your meal by. I bet there are loads of homes looking at that same view...that is just too pretty. sigh!

  6. What a beautiful spot to eat. I'm glad you showed us where the painting was because I was curious about it.

  7. Thanks for joining in Mar, you did well!! I'll add your link immediately!

  8. Great for the A and the B I really liked them. The view is so exquisite

  9. Lac Annecy and Lac de Bourget are among my favourite lakes in France.

    Beautiful photos

  10. Wow! Pretty slick lady. I like the way you worked your idiom and metaphor into the post you already had going. Your talent just shines!


Thanks for your comment, the best part of every post!
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