Friday, February 17, 2006

last evening


Vacation is almost over :( Went to this local pub's Happy Hour: Kir for me, Irish beer for Mr. Mar. Loved the sign saying that the next bar is some 500 miles away. We had fondue afterwards Yes, only three times this past week! It snowed again most of the day today, we will be driving home tomorrow and hope to have clear streets before we reach the highway. It is normally an 8-hour drive, we hope it doesn't get any longer... Posted by Picasa


  1. Hope the drive home isn't too stressful! Enjoy your last night!

  2. Fun! Good for you! I've always wondered what "kir" is though??

  3. That's such a cute bar! Hope you had a good drive.

  4. Katherine - For a Kir take chilled dry white wine plus creme de cassis. I love it!

  5. That is the cutest looking litte pub. I love the signs, .... and now i'm also craving fondue.. lol.. Michele sent me!


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